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Understanding Female Ejaculation


Female ejaculation (FE), is the expulsion of fluid from the urethra during female sexual arousal or orgasm.  FE is an aspect that of female reproductive health that is still poorly understood.  The female ejaculation is a phenomenon that has been widely documented for many years but is still surrounded by scientific controversy.   Some women find it to be intensely pleasurable while others find it embarrassing and undesirable.  Other women strive to experience female ejaculation only to end up frustrated if they are physically incapable.


Types of Female Ejaculation

Vaginal Lubrication

Vaginal lubrication is a viscous, slippery fluid that is secreted by vaginal walls during arousal.  This fluid is a natural lubricant that helps ease penetration and reduce irritation and injury to the genital tissues during coitus.  There are some women who produce a great volume of this fluid that may get discharged from the vagina during copulation or orgasmic contractions, but this is not considered as a form of female ejaculation.


Squirting or Gushing

Squirting or gushing refers to the expulsion of a higher volume of clear fluids during orgasm or arousal. The fluid is believed to be diluted, chemically changed urine from the bladder.  While these fluids are released from the bladder, they are distinct from urinary incontinence.   Urinary incontinence is, as a result, weak pelvic floor bones or overstimulation of the bladder.   This condition can be improved by performing exercise known as Kegels, and it is recommended for women who feel that UI is a concern to visit gynecologists, or urologist or any other specialist at


Clinical Definition of Female Ejaculation

Clinically, female ejaculation refers to the expulsion of a small amount of white, semen-like fluid from the urethra during arousal or orgasm. The fluid is different from urine and is produced by the female prostate glands that are believed to be found in the anterior wall of the vagina in at least 50% of women.  By stimulating the female prostrate, commonly referred to as the G-spot, during intercourse induces female ejaculation. 


Embracing FE

Female ejaculation is something that is perfectly normal and a healthy sexual response, and should not be perceived as a thing to be ashamed of.   Also, FE is not a requirement for achieving sexual pleasure or orgasm.  It is not all women who are capable of experiencing female ejaculation, and this is also perfectly normal. If you experience FE, you might want to research on the subject on your own and discuss it with your sexual partner.  It is equally important that the sexual partners of these women become comfortable and knowledgeable about Female ejaculation, click here to get started!

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